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General Update

Since the new wave of Covid cases began, caused primarily by the Omicron variant, we have been working diligently to even further enhance our infection control processes.

We have seen a relatively large uptick in positive cases among staff. The resident/patient cases have increased too but not as large an uptick relative to staff cases and compared to other facilities. With regard to the residents, the relatively lower positive case number may be a result of a very high vaccine booster rate, approximately 95% (of eligible residents/patients) compared to a state average (based on recent numbers) of 55%. The clinical leadership team at AOH has done an absolutely exceptional job being proactive and vigilant with getting all eligible residents and patients "boosted" early. AOH has one of the highest vaccine boosted percentage rates in the entire State of New York. The staff vaccination rate is approximately 99.9% and approximately 75% of eligible staff members have booster vaccines.

Almost all of the cases have been mild but there have been 2 severe cases among the residents and very unfortunately there has been one resident who passed away from Covid-19.

* We have access to cutting-edge monoclonal antibody treatments through the state and partner pharmacies and we have deployed those as needed with resident/patient cases and to-date those have been highly successful in stopping progression to severe disease and hospitalization.

* We have significant amounts of PPE in inventory as a result of proactive planning and stockpiling prior to this most recent wave

* Testing capabilities remain strong both through partner labs and through a high inventory of effective rapid tests on-hand for Covid, Flu, RSV and Strep which were acquired in advance of these waves to reduce any chance of not being able to receive because of shortages

We are very proud of our exceptional staff who have worked tirelessly to provide great care and support services every day. They come to work despite the risks and work together as a team to allow AOH to fulfill its commitment to care and mission. We will continue to keep you informed as we work through this together, thank you for your support.



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