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General Update Including Visitation

As you are likely aware- Covid-19 cases have been rising fairly steadily in the region (and throughout most of the country). AOH continues to be highly vigilant with infection control practices, surveillance, contact tracing and active responses. We have had 5 positive staff cases in December, likely caused by the new variant. All staff are required by law to be vaccinated unless they have a valid medical exemption (and there have been very limited exemption(s) granted).

We are pleased to have a very high Covid-19 vaccine booster rate compared to statewide averages (other provider averages), the clinical team and leadership have been working tirelessly to achieve the booster numbers/percentages.

Right now, visitation is open fully with transmission based precautions on floors as necessary where there have been confirmed positive cases. Contract tracing and other processes are in place to respond to those cases. You will be notified at the front desk of the current (if applicable) precautions specific to a floor or floors.

We will continue to keep you updated.

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