Andrus on Hudson put into effect a visitation restriction on Monday, March 9th. Today there will be an official order from New York State to restrict visitation at all nursing facilities throughout the state.
As a result, our original communications that we would reassess the visitation restriction on 3/16 (to determine whether the restriction should continue based on guidance and the extent of the outbreak in the greater community) is no longer applicable.
The visitation restrictions will remain in place until such time as New York State removes the order to restrict visitation and Andrus on Hudson makes a determination to remove the restriction. *There are no suspected cases of COVID-19 at Andrus on Hudson*
We understand any frustration or concern this may cause. Please understand we are working very hard to protect residents, patients and staff during this difficult period.
We will get through this together.
A note of thanks:
Thank you to the the many family members who have expressed their support and understanding of the difficult yet important decisions that have been made to protect their loved ones.
Thank you to our exceptional employees that are working hard every day to provide care, services and support for our residents and patients particularly during this difficult period.
Thank you to the many individuals, public health agencies, state and local government, the AOH Board of Directors and our partners at 1199SEIU and other entities such as the Hastings-on- Hudson Volunteer Fire Department and Police Department for their support.